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Feed production of the future: The potential of insects as an alternative protein source

Kann die industrielle Zucht von Insekten als Tierfutter einen Beitrag leisten, die wachsende Weltbevölkerung zu ernähren? Der Beantwortung dieser Frage widmet sich die "Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show", die vom 12. bis 15. November 2024 auf dem Messegelände in Hannover stattfindet. Im Fokus der von der DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) organisierten B2B-Plattform stehen Technologien und Lösungen, die zeigen, dass Insekten mittlerweile als alternative Proteinquelle für nachhaltige Futtermittel wirtschaftlich einsetzbar sind...

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The increase in the reduced VAT on sausage products

The Federal Association of German Sausage and Ham Producers (BVWS) represents the interests of manufacturers of high-quality sausage and ham specialties. Increasing the reduced VAT rate on animal products would have a serious economic impact on our industry. Due to falling sales and profits, companies could be forced to cut jobs, limit their production or relocate to neighboring countries...

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VAT increase or animal welfare cent? Sham debate at the wrong time.

“This is a sham debate at the wrong time,” says Steffen Reiter, managing director of the Meat Industry Association (VDF), on the proposal for a tax increase on animal foods, which is currently being discussed with reference to the recommendation of the Agriculture Future Commission (ZKL)...

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Success story: vaccinations in pigs

Standen früher Tierhalter und Tierärzte vielen Infektionskrankheiten hilflos gegenüber, so sind wirksame Medikamente und Impfungen heute fast eine Selbstverständlichkeit – auch beim Schwein. Egal ob Atemwege, Verdauungstrakt oder Fruchtbarkeit: Bakterien und Viren sind anpassungsfähig – und tückisch...

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Fast help for customers

The system house Winweb provides its customers with a chatbot. “Our intelligent assistant answers all questions about our company and our winweb-food software,” says Jan Schummers, senior software engineer at Winweb Informationstechnologie GmbH, who is driving the use of AI. “And all in a matter of seconds.”...

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Gustav Ehlert celebrates his 100th anniversary

100 years of partner to the food industry. Gustav Ehlert GmbH & Co. KG, based in Verl, will celebrate this anniversary in 2024. Founded as a butcher's supplies wholesaler, the Ehlert company supplied craft businesses and meat and sausage production companies that are traditionally strongly anchored in the Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Gütersloh and Versmold area...

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Özdemir on declining meat consumption: “Use new market opportunities”

Meat consumption among Germans will fall to its lowest level in 2023. The long-term trend towards decreasing meat consumption continued in 2023. According to preliminary information from the Federal Information Center for Agriculture (BZL), per capita meat consumption fell by 430 grams to 51,6 kilograms. This is the lowest value since records began...

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Meat consumption in Germany has fallen for the fifth year in a row

According to data published yesterday by the Federal Information Center for Agriculture (BZL), the decline in meat consumption in Germany continued in 2023. At 51,6 kilograms per capita, meat consumption fell again by around 0,4 kilograms compared to the previous year, slightly less than in 2022...

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Green light for Rügenwalder Mühle

The European Commission has approved the majority stake of the family holding Pfeifer & Langen Industrie- und Handels-KG in the family company Rügenwalder Mühle Carl Müller GmbH & Co. KG. The approval by the European Commission was preceded by intensive examination. With the official approval of the investment, the way is clear for the two family companies to merge...

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