Eating disorders no female domain - one in five sufferers is a man

recognize warning signs - react correctly it

In Germany estimated that about 3,7 million people suffer from underweight. Of 100.000 suffering from anorexia and bulimia 600.000 to addiction. Recent figures show the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) that eating disorders are not domain of the female sex. Men also suffer more often on the supposed woman disease. Meanwhile, one in five sufferers is a man.

The most common eating disorders occur between 18 and 30 ages. In addition, it concerns with eating disorders often to an undiscovered suffering. The problems are only detected when hospitalization is unavoidable. According to the TK is more than half of those affected, the need to be hospitalized with eating disorders, previously not been noticed in the outpatient setting.

It is therefore important to recognize the first warning signs.

Eating disorders often occur during puberty. If teenagers keep stepping on the scales, it can be the beginning of a long story of suffering. Although they often start at this age, eating disorders are not a pubertal phase, but a serious disease. Inga Margraf, psychologist at TK, gives the following tips on how to prevent, recognize and treat eating disorders:

  • The best protection against eating disorders is a healthy level of self-confidence and body awareness, which parents should instill in their child. Anorexics in particular tend to overestimate their body size. In addition, it is important to question slimming ideals and give the child the feeling that they do not have to accept such guidelines.
  • In nutrition education, children should learn that eating is fun, but that it should not be misused to reduce frustration. It is alarming when young people try to be alone while eating. When eating together, parents can recognize abnormalities and communicate with their child.
  • Anorexia often begins with a diet and continues with a change in diet until food is often completely avoided. It is often accompanied by compulsive behavior and the belief "I have to be perfect". Anorexics often prepare their meals according to strict rules they have set themselves. Despite their obsession with slimness, they are constantly eating and often do a lot of sport.
  • Through open communication within the family, adolescents can learn to allow feelings and to deal with conflicts. It is important to respect a child's privacy and to give them the opportunity to develop their individuality and independence.
  • The causes of eating disorders are mostly of a psychological nature. It is not uncommon for the family to play a role in the outbreak of this disease. The individual reasons for the illness can only be determined by talking to a therapist.
  • As soon as parents notice that their child has an eating disorder, they should go to a special counseling center. Psychotherapy is required to treat the disease. There the patients learn to perceive their body correctly and to get to the bottom of the causes. In the accompanying nutritional therapy they learn to eat healthily.

Source: Hamburg [TK]

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