Human Resources Management

"Burnout" and Depression at Work: How can employers deal with it?

Depressive disorders belong to the European countries the most common diseases and go with most lived with severe disabilities live years accompanied. Depression is by far the biggest challenge in the field of mental illness in the workplace and about 11 percent of EU citizens suffer throughout their lives from depression.

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Hygiene at the office workplace

Desk, keyboard and phone regularly clean / wash hands regularly and dry / check Refrigerator content

Hygiene is also on ordinary office workplace the A and O. Because of an average desk accumulate over time many bacteria that can affect health. Blame are, for example, their own hands or food scraps that fall into your keyboard crevices. "Especially in the cold season, it makes sense to put a focus on health at work. Regularly hands should be washed thoroughly paramount," explains Medical Examiner Dr. Wiete Hirschmann, art director of occupational medicine at TÜV Rheinland.

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Mental illness costs 27 billion euros

BGN sensitized managers for the issue of stress - action guide with checklists and recommendations

Mental illness is the leading cause of disease-related early retirements: In recent years 15 their share of 15,4 37,7 percent to percent, the cost of these diseases amount to nearly 27 billion euros. With the brochure "Do not bother with the stress" the trade association food and hospitality (BGN) has published a practical guide for managers that describes how to handle mental strain and stress as a management task and gives practical tips for everyday life. A corresponding guidance document, which is aimed at staff, was published last year. About one-third believes not endure until retirement

More than a third of employees in the EU report on stress-related health problems. Likewise, many employees in Germany are of the opinion that they probably can not practice until retirement age their work under the current requirements, says a study by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in the year 2008 - and rising. In fact, long-term stress many serious diseases paves the way: Physical consequences such as tinnitus, back pain, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular problems are increasing, as typical diseases of the psyche, such as burnout, depression or anxiety. The question of what people will stress is complex, because the feeling of stress is unique and very different. One and the same object can for a stress mean while another finds them interesting challenge.

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Gradual reintegration underused

Heart attack, cancer, back problems or depression as usually is the diagnosis in workers who are on sick leave for more than six weeks in the year. Although they account for only about five percent of the approximately 3,9 million work disability cases in 2011, they were responsible for almost half of 51 million sick days, so the current health report of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). For personal blow comes a long break from work, which is often difficult to catch up again. Therefore, health insurance companies offer the so-called gradual reintegration.

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Gradual reintegration underused

Heart attack, cancer, back problems or depression - as usually is the diagnosis in workers who are on sick leave for more than six weeks in the year. Although they account for only about five percent of the approximately 3,9 million work disability cases in 2011, they were responsible for almost half of 51 million sick days, so the current health report of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). For personal blow comes a long break from work, which is often difficult to catch up again. Therefore, health insurance companies offer the so-called gradual reintegration.

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AFC - Personal study 2012

If the food industry fit for the future job market?

The demographic development in Germany will restrict the supply located on the labor market, according to official estimates, the number of employed persons between 2008 and 2035 drops by -22%. The question of how to establish themselves in relation to other sectors as an attractive employer and acquire competent young professionals, is also suitable for medium-sized food industry. The AFC staff study 2012 "If the food industry fit for the future job market" is dedicated to this very subject and interviewed 200 top companies from the agricultural and food sectors.

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Only one in twelve companies studied specifically older employees

Consequences of demographic change are not yet considered by 40 percent of businesses as urgent

Despite numerous appeals from politics and business associations, only one in twelve companies looking specifically for workers over 50 years. The result of a study of the consulting and services firm Mercer and the Bertelsmann Foundation in 200 companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Even after the transition to retirement with 67 only every second polled company expects future with more jobs for over 60-year-old.

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Whoever believes in itself, added voluntarily mountains

"Self-efficacy" increases work performance

Those who believe in themselves and are sure that they can cope with certain tasks well are willing to work more voluntarily. This is the result of a team of Bochum social psychologists under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Bierhoff. The study shows that employees who are encouraged to believe in their own abilities are more motivated to get more involved in their work. The study has just been published in the journal “Wirtschaftspsychologie”.

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If more than one productivity

Incentive systems should merge desire and reality of the production logistics

In 21-month research project, IPH have - Institute of Integrated Production Hannover and partners from industry and science designed a software that helps companies in the development of incentive systems. The employees of manufacturing companies should be rewarded in the future not only for their productivity. Also punctuality, inventory and processing times are to play a role.

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Change Management: In change processes provide the people at the center

Many change projects were successful, companies would accompany professionally next to the content and the personal level. This opinion 95 percent of respondents in a survey of the research project "Chang Effect" which has the Mutaree GmbH carried out jointly with the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT. "Ignoring companies in change processes the human factor and thus the behavior and emotions of their employees, so fail the projects faster," explains Claudia Schmidt, Managing Director and Change expert of Mutaree GmbH.

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Study on executive production in the food industry

Expectations, incentives and recruiting measures What demanding companies in the food industry of potential leaders? What this in turn expect from their future employers? How to find both sides to each other? On the initiative of TOPOS Nuremberg Fachhochschule Erfurt interviewed as part of a nationwide study companies and candidates, special attention was paid to the intermediary role of headhunter.

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