DFV sales and cost analysis - now also with balance sheet analysis

For many years, the German Butchers' Association has offered its members the opportunity to take part in a turnover and cost analysis. Anyone who would like to have their business assessed as part of the current analysis can register until April 30th. The aim of the analysis is to work out the strengths and weaknesses of the company using the key figures from the BWA.

As part of the analysis, individual target figures for sales and costs are determined for each individual company. These are compared with the actual figures. Each participating company receives a detailed but easily understandable report. The figures from the year 2021 are examined.

In addition, the most important key figures of each company are summarized anonymously in operating cost statistics. This gives you the opportunity to compare yourself with similarly structured companies.

As of this year, the sales and cost analysis can be supplemented with a balance sheet analysis for the year 2020 if desired. This allows the analysis to be expanded to include key figures that are not contained in the BWA.

A more detailed explanation as well as the order and a questionnaire have already been posted in the password-protected member area and are also sent to the members via the DFV app. The necessary documents and further information can also be requested directly from the German Butchers' Association in Frankfurt.



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