
Miracle muscle means with hooks

The news that muscles thanks to the protein PGC-1alpha shortest time significantly longer can afford without endurance training allowed because and pay there hope for a new panacea. Researchers from the University of Basel have now found that there is a catch. With an "artificial" increase in production of the protein increases the risk of suffering from obesity or a metabolic disease such as diabetes with physical inactivity. The results were recently published in the US scientific journal "Journal of Biological Chemistry" online. Fit by PGC 1alpha

Who does not want that: No Sport, simply swallow a pill and be fit and able to eat it without gaining weight. So all that is still gonna fold. The first results of the research group of the Department Christoph Handschin Biozentrum looked initially for couch potatoes quite promising. The researchers found out in experiments with mice that the protein PGC-1alpha plays a central role in the endurance of the muscle. Mice that produce more of them, could run longer without that they had to be specially trained. The increased production of the protein stimulated the muscle fibers, as if they were under physical activity.

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Study debunks excuses alcohol sinners

Urine tests to specific degradation products of alcohol are better than many alcohol sinner thinks: They can be due to low ethanol levels as those found in overripe bananas, hardly irritate. This shows a study by the University of Bonn, which has recently been published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine (doi: 10.1007 / s00414-010-0511-z). Who is tested positive for alcohol, so can the future probably no longer the excuse that he had eaten or drunk anything wrong.

Background of the study is a question that makes in the art for some time for discussion: Is the current limit for the alcohol metabolite ethyl glucuronide (EtG) in urine appropriate? Or he is so low that it may be exceeded after the consumption of foods with a low alcohol content?

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Martial arts against pain: Thinking makes the difference

Those who regularly practice Asian fighting techniques become less sensitive to pain. This hardening phenomenon is being scrutinized in a study that specialists are presenting at the German Pain Congress in Mannheim (October 6-9.10.2010, 2010). "Martial artists deal with pain much more relaxed and also seem to be less sensitive", so the résumé of the study director Dr. Monika Dirkwinkel from the neurological clinic of the University Clinic Bergmannsheil Bochum

The Resilience against pain is an essential component and training goal of martial arts such as Kung Fu or Karate and takes about by targeted simulation of results in the fight situations. It wants to overcome pain as a protective mechanism that otherwise prompt the body to retreat and thus the enemy could gain an advantage.

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Calcium and vitamin D essential for strong bones

The combination makes it

Calcium supplements can help many people against bone damage and osteoporosis, especially in combination with vitamin D. Then GIVE has eV - the company for information about nutrients and food - out. The GIVE-scientists warn in this context an improper interpretation of a recent study on the effect of calcium supplementation. * Had the published in the British Medical Journal meta-analysis at 6 totaling 11 studies found a tendency to a slightly increased risk of heart attack for found patients who had taken longer than a year of high-dose calcium supplements to be.

The statements of this analysis apply only to the intake of calcium without vitamin D, so the company. All standard recommendations for calcium supplementation include but always also vitamin D, because this plays an important role in calcium metabolism and thus for the exploitation of this mineral substance. Accordingly contain quality products usually in addition to calcium and vitamin D. Such agents promote bone density and reduce the risk of fractures from falls, particularly in osteoporosis - a disease that affects one in three women and one in five men worldwide. Food supplement with calcium and vitamin D can be easily and efficiently prevent osteoporosis, if the supply of these nutrients is not possible through diet. GIVE stresses in this context that there is no evidence of an increased risk of heart attack by calcium / vitamin D combination preparations.

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"Simple and ingenious" - hearing test by phone

In the innovation competition "365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas"

The hearing test by telephone HörTech gGmbH was awarded as "Landmark 2010" the nationwide innovation competition "365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas". Many Oldenburger came at the weekend in the Dream Gardens downtown to be at the Hörrallye going with who celebrated from the Oldenburg House of hearing the award the HörTech. At the commemorative event on Sunday paid tribute to Doris Bünnemeyer by Deutsche Bank in Oldenburg the test as a "brilliant idea at an early stage by the hearing of many people and the people are aware of the issue of hearing."

Hundreds of people from Oldenburg and the surrounding area experienced on weekends in good weather the Hörrallye in the dream gardens of Oldenburg downtown. The hearing scientists from Oldenburg House of hearing worried there for a very unusual noise. So suddenly roared a lion out of the bushes, and whale songs Wasserbrodeln let visitors listen up. All ears devoted many visitors their attention once only listening to interpret the sounds correctly. have good belongs to the finish and Elisabeth Dietrich Hillmann. They won a cooking class AOK and the winner of numerous headphones that the company Sennheiser has sponsored, were very satisfied. At the closing event on Sunday there was to hear something very special, especially for small ears: Rock musician Markus Rohde played witty and upbeat songs from his program "pirates, waves and spinach" - of course, in reasonable volumes.

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Not every back pain is equal to a herniated disc

Many doctors in Germany do not prescribe the treatment that really helps the patient. The Reader's Digest elaborates in its June issue this phenomenon and shows based frequently occurring medical error, which the patient should be aware and looks like a proper treatment. "Some doctors tend to maintain modes of treatment, even if they are out of date. This is partly because it is difficult for doctors to keep constantly up to date," says Professor David Klemperer from the University of Regensburg, Chairman of the German Network Evidence Based Medicine.

Behind the slogan "evidence-based medicine" conceals the principle that physicians should treat patients only with those drugs and therapies for which a clear benefit has been proven. But a study of the University of Munich showed that doctors treat this country not always according to current guidelines. So 15.000 vertigo patients ineffective medication had been prescribed within two years for more than 1,5 million euros.

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Condoms more popular than ever

The new data from the survey sample "Public Awareness of AIDS 2009" the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) are. The survey examined regularly knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the population on HIV / AIDS. The current results show that condoms be used in the population ever more and more accepted. This applies to both young and old alike.

At the beginning of AIDS education in 1988, 45 percent of the sexually active group of those living alone under 58 years of age used condoms; Especially the use of condoms at the beginning of new relationships has increased further. In 2009, 79 percent of 2009 to 86 year olds who started a new relationship in the past 16 months used condoms when they started new relationships. Five years ago it was 44 percent. The increasing use of condoms is also reflected in the development of condom sales figures published annually by the Deutsche Latex Forschungsgemeinschaft Kondome eV. According to this, with 12 million condoms sold in 74, Germany is at the same record level as the year before.

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If pain medications cause pain

It sounds paradoxical: Strong painkillers, called opioids, can increase sensitivity to pain stimulus and thus in turn intensify pain. A research team from the Medical University of Vienna could now explain a mechanism that is responsible for this so-called hyperalgesia.

In some patients, the analgesic effect of strong painkillers decreases (opioids) during the treatment. Previously, experts had two explanations: one hand, could be a progression of the disease increase the pain. On the other hand came the so-called tolerance development in question. Behind the mechanisms that reduce the sensitivity of body cells to the action of a substance hide. That is why the doctors in such cases, increase the drug dose or switch to another drug (opioid rotation).

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Paratuberculosis - MAP - Crohn's disease: The AVA seeks qualified speakers

Working title: Crohn's disease and paratuberculosis: Two sides of a coin

The AVA (agriculture and veterinary academy) searches for a meeting this year on the topic of "paratuberculosis - MAP - Crohn's disease" competent speakers who want to contribute to the topic. "We can leave crucial topic in the media is not self-styled consumer advocates and the market for milk, dairy products and meat our neighboring countries," said the veterinarian and agricultural engineer Ernst Günter Hellwig, head of AVA.

"Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom take part in years great efforts to keep out the pathogens in the food chain. Since the beginning of Dutch dairy farmers must participate in the paratuberculosis program. Until 2011 there should be eliminated from the herd all reactors. Germany trains himself in incomprehensible restraint. I fear that German agriculture consumer confidence and market share loses, "says Hellwig.

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Sunbathing brings old stretching momentum

Significant increase in testosterone levels due to vitamin D

Tired, tired, no desire for sex? Symptoms that often occur during the winter months. All that could be caused by a lack of vitamin D, such as results of a new study show that was recently published in the journal "Clinical Endocrinology".

According to this study, there is a close connection between vitamin D and the level of testosterone in the blood. This was the finding of a research group led by Professor Winfried März from synlab Heidelberg, who examined 2.300 men averaging 62 years of age. "Men with enough vitamin D in their blood also had higher testosterone values ​​than those with lower vitamin D values," says Professor März.

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New treatments for intestinal diseases

treat Chronic inflammation selectively immunologically

New therapies have but the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and rheumatism significantly improved. So-called biologics selectively intervene in inflammatory processes of the body. Together with the conventional therapy, which is based on corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, they allow physicians to reduce the complaints of the patient to a minimum.

More than 300 000 people in Germany suffer from the chronic inflammatory Darm¬erkrankungen Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Diarrhea and cramping pains plaguing the patient. The relapses restrict the daily lives of those affected considerably. IBD patients with chronic active inflammation are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. The main reason for an impaired barrier between the host and the 100 trillion intestinal bacteria is considered. Although drugs that alleviate the symptoms significantly, but does not cure these diseases. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids for example, can break through an acute episode. Immunosuppressants prolong the asymptomatic phase by suppressing the body's defenses, thereby stabilizing the course of the disease.

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