Climate advertising is usually misleading

As if there wasn't enough to do and see when shopping for groceries. The packaging of many foods contains a hodgepodge of statements and images. For some, that's enough to read and consider while walking through the supermarket. You should definitely be able to rely on the accuracy of the information. However, this does not seem to be the case with certain advertising claims. In a sample, the consumer advice centers found considerable doubts about advertising with and around the climate.

Climate neutrality was the most frequently advertised (53 of 87 products). “Statements such as “climate-neutral”, “climate-positive” and “CO2-positive” have a particularly high potential to mislead,” according to the consumer advice centers. Such information cannot be substantiated because it usually involves compensation payments in compensation projects, the basis for which can be quite questionable.

A third of the products lacked a clear reference. Statements such as “24 percent CO2 reduction” remain unclear as to whether they refer to the packaging, production or the entire product. In addition, no comparison size was mentioned. Such additional explanations were also missing for a third of the products. However, further information on the Internet was often referred to (73 of the 87 products). However, from the point of view of consumer advice centers, essential information regarding the comprehensibility of climate and CO2 statements belongs directly on the packaging.

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