Continuous operation in practice - cash register security regulation

Frankfurt am Main, March 2019. During an on-site meeting with members of the German Bundestag in the Bünger butcher's shop in Berlin, DFV General Manager Martin Fuchs and representatives of the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH) had the opportunity to discuss practical problems with the implementation of the Cash Register Security Ordinance and the Technical Guideline to discuss. Uwe Feiler (CDU), Sebastian Brehm (CSU) and Lothar Binding (SPD) followed the invitation to the joint exchange.

An important goal of the on-site visit was, among other things, to explain the principle of so-called "continuous service", which has been tried and tested for decades, in practice. Those present were shown the possible difficulties that would arise if the business transaction requiring a record or the other event within the meaning of § 146a AO was secured by a certified technical security device not only at the time of the conclusion of the checkout process or the other process in a scale can be done with a checkout function. The association representatives were supported by employees from Bizerba.

On this occasion, ZDH and DFV representatives again campaigned intensively for a practical implementation, because meat shops that use checkout scales network systems are faced with special challenges here. It was therefore particularly helpful to be able to demonstrate the problems in implementing the requirements under live conditions to the representatives from politics. The constructive dialogue between associations and politics was rated as fruitful by all those involved and should be continued. The aim should be an implementation of the new standard, which is also possible for the individual companies with justifiable effort.

Photo copyright: ZDH/Boris Trenkel

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