Successfully implement HACCP and hygiene training

New CMA / DFV seminar for meat and sausage sales

Every day, employees in the butcher shop are confronted with numerous critical questions relating to the production and sale of food, for example in relation to the storage and cooling of goods. Special training courses teach employees how to handle food hygienically and which measures are part of staff hygiene.

The CMA Centrale Marketing-Gesellschaft der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft mbH and the DFV Deutsche Fleischerverband eV offer owners and executives in the butcher trade technical and didactic help with a seminar on "Operational measures and controls with HACCP and hygiene training".

HACCP, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, is the hazard and risk analysis and the definition of critical control points in food production. Developing an HACCP concept is a time-consuming, indispensable task for every company, which also serves to avoid errors and prevent health hazards when handling food in terms of quality management.

The ordinance on food hygiene of August 5, 1997 stipulates that people who handle food are to be trained in questions of food hygiene in accordance with their job and taking into account their training. The seminar participants learn to implement the legal requirements in terms of self-monitoring and HACCP in the craft business with their employees.

Two experts convey the technical and methodological content: On the one hand, Dr. Wolfgang Lutz, specialist veterinarian for food hygiene and scientific director of the Institute for Meat Research, Meat Technology and Quality Assurance (IFF). He is an expert in food law, quality management and HACCP for the butcher trade. On the other hand, Maria Revermann, food scientist and vocational educator, gives instructions and practical examples for hygiene training in the second part. 

The content of the two-day seminar is food law basics for operational measures and controls, the food hygiene regulation, the EC regulation from the year 2003 No. 178 (EG VO 178/2002), the meat hygiene regulation and the future EU approval for butcher's workshops. Other topics are the general hygiene requirements and HACCP as well as the development of an integrated operational hygiene concept and its documentation. The second day is all about the practical implementation of hygiene training. Based on examples, the participants learn how training and further education programs can be designed in an interesting and motivating way, and how they can also be fun. The confirmation of participation serves as a training confirmation within the framework of an HACCP concept.

    • Seminar date:
      March 15-16, 2004 and March 29-30, 2004
    • Venue
      Monopol Hotel, Frankfurt a. M. / Victor's Hotel, Erfurt
    • Seminar times:
      Day 1: 13.00:18.00 p.m. - 2:9 p.m. Day 00: 15.00:XNUMX a.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
    • Seminar fee:
      250 Euros
    • Referenten:
      dr Wolfgang Lutz, Maria Revermann

Your contact person at the CMA:

Maria Hahn Kranefeld
Sales training department
Telephone: 0228/ 847-320
Fax: 0228/ 847-1 320
eMail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots To display JavaScript must be turned on!

Source: Bonn [cma]

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