Ndalimi i importit nga BE për shpendët dhe vezët në SHBA

Nachdem im US-Bundesstaat Texas ein hochpathogenes Influenzavirus vom Subtyp H5N2 in einem Mastgeflügelbestand diagnostiziert wurde, hat die EU ein sofortiges Importverbot für lebendes Geflügel, Geflügelfleisch und Eier erlassen. Das Importverbot gilt zunächst bis zum 23. März. Immerhin kommen 25 % aller importierter Eier und 50 % der in die EU importierten frisch geschlüpften Kücken aus den USA. Hier die Originalmitteilung der EU:

Commission suspends EU poultry imports from the USA after avian influenza outbreak in Texas

Pas konfirmimit të një shpërthimi shumë patogjen të gripit të shpendëve (AI) në Teksas (SHBA), Komisioni Evropian miratoi propozimin e Komisionerit të BE-së për Shëndetin dhe Mbrojtjen e Konsumatorit, David Byrne, për të pezulluar importin e shpendëve të gjallë, vezëve dhe shpendëve të kafshëve shtëpiake nga ky vend. Bashkimit Evropian (BE) me efekt të menjëhershëm deri më 23 mars. Gripi i shpendëve është një sëmundje shumë ngjitëse e shpendëve që mund të shkaktojë dëme të rënda ekonomike në industrinë e shpendëve dhe, në raste të jashtëzakonshme, mund të transmetohet te njerëzit.

Commenting on the decision, David Byrne, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection said: "This immediate ban is designed to protect the high health status of the European poultry flocks. I have put it the ban in place until 23 March but will keep it under review."

Yesterday, the US authorities have confirmed an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) in a poultry flock in the State of Texas (Gonzales County). The detected AI virus strain is different from the strain currently causing the epidemic in Asia and probably poses inferior public health risk to the Asian one.

However, in view of the risk of animal disease introduction into the EU, immediate action is appropriate. The Commission therefore decided to suspend the imports of live poultry, ratites, farmed and wild feathered game, hatching eggs and eggs for human consumption and birds other than poultry (pet birds) from all of the USA.

These actions, adopted by the Commission today, enter immediately into force. They are for the moment applicable until 23 March. In the meantime, the US authorities should provide the EU with detailed information on the situation and the measures taken to bring the disease under control. In the light of the information received in the next days, further appropriate proportionate measures could be proposed.

The adopted Commission decision and the disease situation in the USA will be reviewed at the meeting of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health scheduled for 2-3 March.

The EU is a major importer of eggs and day old chicks from the USA. In 2003, approximately 9 million eggs for a value of € 20 million have been imported. This represents about 25% of the total imports of eggs in the EU. In the same year, approximately 450,000 day old chicks for a value of € 2.5 million (about 50% of the total imports in the EU) have been imported from the USA. The EU does not import poultry meat from the USA because the current treatment of poultry carcasses in the USA is not accepted by the EU.

Burimi: Brukseli [BE]

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